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Private BLPOA Facebook Group 



The BLPOA Facebook Group is private.  Only BLPOA members and their family members are permitted access to it. Having boyfriend, girlfriend or fiancée status is insufficient. 


There are rules that define acceptable use and agreeing to follow those rules are required to gain and maintain access. The rules are:

BLPOA Facebook Group Rules



1) Scope & Penalties

Posts to this private group must always be of a primary interest to the BLPOA community. This rule and those following have been adopted to help guide users to interact in an acceptable manner to all. Violation of any of these rules can result in post deletion, user warning, temporary suspension up to 30 days or even expulsion from the group depending on the severity or number of offenses by the user.


2) Access

Access to this Group is limited to BLPOA Members and their family members; boyfriends, girlfriends, fiancées, etc. do not qualify. Access may be terminated if you move out of the Association; or be suspended if you fail to keep your BLPOA Membership dues paid.


3) Privacy

This Group is private. The content and the names of the members are visible only to members of the Group; so please do not copy / paste (or otherwise share) content via email or elsewhere on Facebook, etc.


4) Blocking an Admin or Mod

Do not block an Administrator or Moderator of this page. Doing so will result in an automatic ban. Posts to the page that are created for a "limited audience" will be removed if not visible to the page Administrator and Moderators and result in a warning. Otherwise, it is effectively an Admin / Mod "block" and is prohibited.


5) Hate Speech, Bullying or Similar

No bullying, threatening, intimidating, arguing, gloating, aggressive or passive-aggressive behavior is allowed. Negative comments regarding race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, etc. will not be tolerated.


6) Buying, Selling, Promotions, Spam & Politics

Posts offering services or goods to buy, sell, rent, free, etc. or for fund raising are not permitted (exception is those sold or sponsored by the BLPOA). Informational posts about businesses such as a change in hours of operation, ownership and similar -or- of an event at a business with profits benefitting a non-profit organization are permitted. Requests & replies for reputable persons, contractors, etc. are permitted; lengthy testimonials about them are not. No political or spam posts are allowed.


7) Complaints & Negative Posts

Complaints & negative posts are not permitted. These types of posts are non-productive. They do more to foster hostility & ill will more than anything else. Issues should be taken up directly with the source -PRIVATELY- in a mature and responsible manner. If unable to obtain relief; contact the law enforcement agency responsible: Wakefield Police, Marine Patrol, etc. The BLPOA is NOT an enforcement body.


8) BLPOA Policies & Procedures

Questions and concerns with the BLPOA policies and practices ideally should be sent to the to the Officer or Director responsible as shown on: Examples: Road issues (wash outs, ice, snow plowing) should be sent to the Road Director; Issues with BLPOA Dues should be sent to the Treasurer; etc.). Please remember BLPOA Officers and Board Members are volunteers - your patience is appreciated.


9) Law Enforcement Activities

Posting of any law enforcement activities (Wakefield Police, State Police, Marine Patrol, Fish & Game, etc.) on BLPOA owned roads, properties or lake itself are not tolerated.


10) Family-Friendly Behavior

The BLPOA Facebook page is intended to be a "family-friendly" page. Everyone here is expected to conduct themselves accordingly.



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