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Belleau Lake

Summer is almost here, and the BLPOA Officers & Directors and I would like to ask EVERY member to discuss the following with anyone in your home that operates any boat / PWC / kayak / canoe AND discuss and post / share with guests and renters.
HAZARDS: There are HUNDREDS of hazards on Belleau lake, a few are marked, but most are not! Become an expert about the area you are in. Don’t endanger your passengers or yourself. THE LAKE IS CONSTANTLY CHANGING, AREAS SAFE IN THE PAST MAY NO LONGER BE!
WAKE: Operator is responsible for their wake. This applies to ski craft also- and was the number 1 complaint the last several years. BE RESPECTFUL PLEASE!
DISTANCE: If closer than 50 yards (150 feet or 1/2 of a football field!) from a shore, a swimmer, ski craft, boat, kayak, raft, dock YOU MUST SLOW TO HEADWAY SPEED (A MAXIMUM of 6 mph)! This applies to ski craft also!
SWIM RAFTS: NH Law- Saf-C 404.09- Regarding Swim Rafts. Each swim raft placed in public waters shall display the owners name and shore front address plainly marked on the outside of such raft, AND shall display 12 square inches of reflective material at least half way up on all sides of the raft. (includes all Wood, Foam, and Aluminum rafts!). Please mark your rafts appropriately.
MARINE PATROL: All enforcement falls on Marine patrol- please call Marine Patrol at 603-267-7256 -if there is a significant problem that cannot be handled Neighbor to Neighbor.
BOATER SAFETY TRAINING: Safe boater certificate is a requirement for any operator of a motorized vessel over 25 hp. Link to register is-
RENTAL PROPERTIES: Remember owners are not allowed to give out their boat ramp key per key agreement. Think of the risk if a renter, that you allowed on the lake, is harmed or causes harm. Bottom line, don’t give out your key.
NAME & PHONE # BOAT STICKERS: At the Spring meeting I will have a limited number of Kayak/canoe/rowboat Orange Name Tags that have been provided by Coyote Creek Outfitters and BLPOA member Chad Woodward. These will go ONE per member household in attendance, while they last. Also I’ll have Markers to write your name and contact phone on the sticker.
We have a Great Lake to be enjoyed by all. Let’s have fun on the water, but do so in a safe manner and with respect for the other members of our lake community!
Steve Bischof- Director of Lake Safety
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