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We welcome questions and comments and reply as soon as possible.


Contact us via U.S. Postal Service:




P.O. Box 188

East Wakefield, NH 03830








Reach out to us on Facebook:



If you've paid BLPOA dues this calendar year, join us in our private group on Facebook


Contact us via Email:

1) If you're a resident and have an urgent concern with a situation or the condition of any association owned road; please click: Tim Booth - Road Director

2) If you're a resident and have a question about billing or dues, please send an email to Mary Vinagro at:

3) If you're a realtor and have questions, please check the Realtor Info page.

4) If you're a resident or member of the public, and have question or concern that is unrelated to roads, billing or a realtor please check the General Info page for a list of people and their responsibilities.
5) If none of the options above seem to "fit" your concern, please click: Communications. Your email will be addressed to Steve Consolmagno - Communications Director to determine who is best able to respond to your request. 


Please be sure to check your spam / junk folder for any reply from our email addresses.  Thank you.

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