Belleau Lake

Welcome, new property owners!
When you purchase property within the BLPOA community, you must contact the Treasurer so the BLPOA's property owner record reflects the change of ownership. You may send an email to the Treasurer by clicking: Please include your name, lake property address, mailing address and telephone number. If you know the name of the previous owner, please include it, too.
After you've established your BLPOA membership with the treasurer, you're invited to join our private group on Facebook. The BLPOA "member of record" with the treasurer's office along with all family members (spouse, children, aunts, uncles, cousins, inlaws etc.) can join as well. Simply request access by navigating to our Facebook Group group at: Answer the questions and submit them in less than an hour (requests that are incomplete and more than an hour old are automatically deleted). Access will be granted if the information supplied can be verified with the treasurer. Lastly, you will need to read and accept the group rules. Your continued access to the group is evidence of accepting the rules.
BLPOA membership also includes certain rights and use of its properties. Among these are voting, beaches, park, recreation lands and use of the boat launch. Keys to the boat launch are available to members after signing an agreement and providing a refundable $50 deposit.
Belleau Lake is completely surrounded by private property. The "common areas" consist of (but are not limited to) the lake, dam, roads, beaches, boat launch and a little over 100 acres of recreation land. These are all maintained by the Belleau Lake Property Owners Association (or BLPOA). The costs of maintaining these is only made possible through the collection dues from those living within the Association boundaries. With the exception of a contribution to our milfoil program - the Town of Wakefield does not provide the BLPOA with assistance to defray the costs of maintaining these common areas.